3-wheel balance bike for children
A children's balance bike basically looks like a traditional bike, but it doesn't have pedals. The child sits on the saddle and moves, pushing his legs off the ground. A bike-walker is an ideal proposition for a toddler who walks independently. It is also an excellent preparation for learning to ride a real bike. All small children love this type of ride-on.
3-wheel children's bike - why is it worth buying it for your child?
The bike-walker has a great effect on the motor development of the child. Its use improves coordination, strength and endurance of the toddler. Riding a balance bike also teaches you to judge the distance and the awareness of gaining speed. Thanks to such a ride-on, the toddler exercises balance, which has a very good effect on his psychophysical development. In addition, it is great fun and an ideal opportunity for our child to spend as much time outdoors as possible. 3-wheel balance bike
allows you to drive at a fairly high speed - the child independently controls the steering wheel and chooses the direction of travel.
The bike-walker is the perfect introduction to cycling
A 3-wheel bike for a child without pedals is also an excellent introduction to learning to ride a regular bike. A child who spends a lot of time on a balance bike will often not need the side wheels in the future, because his sense of balance will be properly trained. Children's 3-wheel bikes without pedals
it is also a great way to teach a child to stay in a stroller or in the hands of parents all the time.
The " Bunzi" bike has good opinions - also among physiotherapists. According to many of them , a balance bike for children, by forcing a straight posture and the need to control balance, is much more beneficial for the development of a toddler's motor skills than four-wheeled ride-ons. In addition, cycling is a physical activity in the open air - the best for every toddler.
At preschool age, children begin to develop fine motor skills and coordination. They can do it on our bike, which has a 135° turn limit to keep children safe.
The perfect children's bike: This balance bike helps children from 1 to 3 years old to walk. The maximum load is 20 kg.
Comfortable: thanks to the round handlebars and soft PU saddle, the bike is gentle on baby's skin. All corners are rounded to prevent children from hurting themselves.
Safe Design and Materials: Made of high-quality non-toxic PP, it is safe and environmentally friendly. To protect children as much as possible, the rotation of the steering wheel is limited to 135°. In addition, the triangular design of the wheels and the pedalless design help the child to keep balance.
First bicycle gift for children: our balance bike is the perfect gift for a daughter or son who is learning to walk. For birthdays, holidays or other family events, this bike will be the perfect surprise for them. It assembles quickly and will accompany your child in its development.