Get more security for your parked vehicle with our revolutionary parking stopper! Our parking stop has been specifically designed for your safety and features a reinforced base for maximum stability. In addition, the high visibility reflective strip design increases visibility, especially in dark environments, to minimize the risk of accidents or damage to your vehicle. Plus, our reliable vehicle stopper takes all the hassle away from you by eliminating the risk of accidents, scratches or dents, especially in tight and challenging areas. Conveniently, our parking stop can be installed quickly and easily using simple tools such as expansion screws, hammers and drills (please note that these tools are not included). Furthermore, the stopper is designed to withstand heavy use and provides exceptional stability that remains intact even after repeated use. You can install them in a variety of locations, making them the perfect solution for any parking need. Don't settle for mediocre parking aids when you can get top quality and performance. Trust our floor stopper for garage vehicles and park with confidence!
Security for your vehicle : Experience more security for your parked vehicle with our revolutionary parking stopper. The reinforced base design made of high-quality rubber material guarantees maximum stability and prevents unwanted movements. Besides, the high visibility reflective strip can increase visibility in dark environments.
Easy Parking : Say goodbye to the hassle of parking with our convenient parking stopper. By using this reliable parking aid, you can avoid misjudgments and minimize the likelihood of mistakes that can lead to accidents, scratches or dents, especially in narrow and difficult areas.
Quick Installation : Designed with convenience in mind, our stopper installs easily using simple tools such as expansion screws, hammers, and drills. You can easily attach the stopper by punching holes with an electric drill, hammering the expansion screw into the hole and tightening it with a sleeve. (Note: Hammers and drills are not included in the product.)
High Stability : Built to withstand heavy use and provide exceptional stability. The reinforced base design ensures it stays firmly in place with repeated use with a load capacity of 4,000kg, and the high quality material can withstand various weather conditions.
Wide Application : Our parking stopper is the perfect solution to ensure safer parking in various places. Specifically, you can install these parking aids in street parking spaces, open parking garages, garages and private parking spaces to improve the parking experience.
Characteristics :
Improve your parking experience at different locations
Withstand heavy use and provide exceptional stability
The thick, matte sticker increases visibility in dark environments
The premium parking stopper can withstand various weather conditions
Eliminates misjudgments when parking and minimizes the risk of accidents
Increased safety and comfort for your vehicle